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Tarrant County Public Health
1101 S Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76104




7:30 am to 8:30 am
Check-In & Registration


8:00 am
Breakfast Begins


8:30 am to 8:40 am 
Welcome & Housekeeping


  • Lisa McKamie-Muttiah
    Tarrant County HIV Administrative Agent

  • John Sapero 
    President’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS


8:40 am to 10:00 am 
Ending the HIV Epidemic/Undetectable = Untransmittable 


  • 8:40 am to 9:30 am      Murray Penner 
    Executive Director, Prevention Access Campaign

  • 9:30 am to 9:40 am       Questions and Answers
    Murray will discuss how health departments and community-based organizations are advancing viral suppression efforts as part of their Ending the HIV Epidemic strategies. The session will highlight best practices on how to frame messaging and service delivery to promote “undetectable” status among people living with HIV. Resource Article:  Viral Load Does Not Equal Value


  • 9:40 am to 9:55 am      David Mansdoerfer, MPP 
    Special Assistant to the President, University of North Texas Health Science Center

  • 9:55 am to 10:00 am      Lt. Commander Rodrigo Chavez 
    Deputy Director, Region 6, Prevention through Active Community Engagement (PACE) ProgramViral Load POZ


10:00 am – 10:15 am


10:15 am to 11:15 am
Breakout Session 1 (choose 1 session to attend)

  • A Community Approach to Overcoming Stigma
    Thomas Knoble, San Francisco Department of Public Health

    Stigma is all around us. We know it when we feel it, yet it is still hard to label, therefore making it hard to address it. HIV related stigma quick becomes layered, with other oppressions, causing even more difficultly in addressing it. Stigma impacts self-esteem, adherence, self-perception and isolation, and needs to be stopped. This interactive breakout session will draw on community knowledge to define stigma, and then start a process on to address the long-standing unmet need to respond to it. This will be an opportunity for community and providers to come together to partner on creating healthier environments for everyone.
    What Does Stigma Look Like Group Images ( ZIP file)

  • Cultural Humility: Considerations While Providing Care
    Calicia White and Angelica Lindsay-Ali, Ebony House

    This workshop will focus on the need for client centered care related to cultural differences which may mitigate full treatment adherence for diverse populations of people living with HIV. Attention will be paid to the realities of intersectionality and the use of cultural humility in establishing an informed approach to adherence challenges.

  • Disruptive Innovation Think Tank
    Rose Conner and John Sapero, Collaborative Research

    We won’t be able to meet our audacious goals of ending the HIV epidemic without making changes to our service delivery and community engagement. This fast-paced session will share innovations in care and prevention services from across the nation, and have attendees assess opportunities for local implementation. Participants will be encouraged to share advances their organizations have made.


11:15 am – 11:30 am


11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Breakout Session 2 (choose 1 session to attend)

  • A Community Approach to Overcoming Stigma (repeat of Breakout Session 1)
    Thomas Knoble, San Francisco Department of Public Health

    Stigma is all around us. We know it when we feel it, yet it is still hard to label, therefore making it hard to address it. HIV related stigma quick becomes layered, with other oppressions, causing even more difficultly in addressing it. Stigma impacts self-esteem, adherence, self-perception and isolation, and needs to be stopped. This interactive breakout session will draw on community knowledge to define stigma, and then start a process on to address the long-standing unmet need to respond to it. This will be an opportunity for community and providers to come together to partner on creating healthier environments for everyone.
    What Does Stigma Look Like Group Images (ZIP file)

  • Engaging Peers in Community-Based Education and Engagement in Care
    Jeremy Bright, RipplePHX

    RipplePHX has created an appealing, peer-driven strategy to engage MSM in HIV prevention, testing, and linkage to care. Jeremy will discuss how fostering empowerment, passion and creative thinking in people living with HIV has taken RipplePHX from a grass-roots effort to a growing community-based organization recognized by the CDC for its innovation and effectiveness.

  • Clinical Quality Management

    Jeff Daniel, Collaborative Research
    Quality management under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program involves activities to improve client health outcomes by developing and implementing clinical quality management programs. These efforts focus on establishing standards and systems to measure and improve performance. This session will review local and national Ryan White Program expectations for clinical quality management.

12:30 pm to 1:45 pm 
Lunch & Presentation

1:45 pm – 2:00 pm


2:00 pm to 5:00 pm 
Sub-recipient Training

  • Panel Discussion: Living with HIV in Tarrant County
    Various Presenters

    People living with HIV will share their thoughts on living with HIV and how the community can act to end the local HIV epidemic.

  • Ending the HIV Epidemic
    Rose Conner and John Sapero, Collaborative Research

    Participants will discuss opportunities to innovate organizational and community-wide service delivery to end the HIV epidemic in Tarrant County.


Concurrent Sessions (choose 1 session to attend)

  • Ryan White Program Updates
    Tarrant County HIV Grants Manager and Staff

    Programmatic, quality management, and data-related updates will be shared.


5:00 pm          ADJOURN

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